Bella Silver

(Danish Silver) 2005

45 common

These silver-bordered cards are identifiable by a “P” in the top right corner. There is also a code in the bottom left corner. The cards are not numbered.

Rarity: uncommon

Frequency: frequent

Community Price

$5 per card

Online Listing* (eBay/Mercari/etc)

$5-10 per card

Full set: $50

*This is the listing price that buyers purchase at, seller does not earn this after fees on resell sites. 

High Demand: Bliss, Butterfly, Coco, Diamond, Dixie, Domino, Donna, Flower, Jolly, Joy, Kiki, Lucky, Micado, Niki, Sandy, Scarlett, Silver, Speedy, Spirit, Sugar

Example of Card for Identification